I love the great outdoors and sharing my passion with people who love the sport and want a top notch experience.
Dennis Caracciolo
My listings
Surf Fishing on Long Island
United States, New York
up to 6 people
Nearshore fishing, Surf Fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefish
US $100
price from
Saltwater Big Game Fishing
United States, New York
up to 6 people, 28 ft
Offshore fishing
Shark, Tuna, Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Wahoo, White Marlin, Blue Marlin, Tilefish
US $1,200
price from
NY Inshore Charter
United States, New York
up to 6 people, 28 ft
Wreck fishing, Nearshore fishing, Inshore fishing
Scup (Porgy), Tautog, Flounder, Fluke, Striped Bass, Black Seabass, Bluefish
US $100
price from