Just Right Florida Charters
I grew up bass fishing in WV. Every year I would vacation in NC - Hatteras beach and eventually I tried out their saltwater fishing and loved it. After a couple years I decided I wanted to try fishing and vacationing in Florida. Well, who comes here and wants to leave afterwards?! So I never left. Now “I live where you vacation” and have a blast fishing everyday. It couldn’t get much better than that!
Brad Ashe
My listings
Just Right Florida Charters
United States, Florida
up to 6 people, 27 ft
Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Offshore fishing, Reef fishing, Wreck fishing
Amberjack, Wahoo, Blackfin Tuna, Swordfish, Hammerhead Shark, Sailfish, Mutton Snapper, Jack Crevalle, Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Cobia, Great Barracuda, King Mackerel (Kingfish)