Kodiak Big Timber Lodge
Since the time I could walk, my life has been a journey of unwavering passion for the great outdoors. For 21 years, I served in the US Navy SEAL Teams, where passion and commitment were not just values but a way of life. As I approached the transition away from the military, I sought a new career that could match the intensity and devotion demanded by the SEAL community.
I discovered that my skill set seamlessly translated into the dynamic realm of the outdoor industry. Now, at Kodiak Big Timbe...
Casey Harver
My listings
Kodiak Big Timber Lodge
United States, Alaska
up to 6 people
Backcountry fishing, Offshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, River fishing
Halibut, Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Lingcod, Rockfish, Rainbow Trout, Steelhead trout, Dolly Varden
US $1,350
price from