Salmon fishing trips in Michigan

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4 listings

Jigging for Cisco & Lake Trout, Salmon
United States, Michigan
up to 3 people
Lake fishing, River fishing
Lake Trout, Cisco, Herring, Salmon
US $250
price from
Free cancellation
2 trips available
Manistee Michigan charter fishing
United States, Michigan
up to 6 people, 32 ft
Offshore fishing, Nearshore fishing
Salmon, Trout
US $600
price from
3 trips available
North Bay Charter
United States, Michigan
up to 4 people, 17 ft
Lake fishing, Inshore fishing, River fishing, Nearshore fishing, Flats fishing
Muskellunge (Musky), Walleye, Bass, Perch, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon, Sturgeon
Pick-up service
US $400
price from
Free cancellation
2 trips available
FISH-n-TALES Charters
United States, Michigan
up to 6 people, 42 ft
Lake fishing, Nearshore fishing, Offshore fishing
Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Steelhead trout, Lake Trout, Chinook Salmon
US $700
price from
Free cancellation
3 trips available