Fly fishing for Bluefish
12 listings
Karen Ann Charters
United States, New York
up to 6 people
Reef fishing, Offshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Wreck fishing, Flats fishing, Backcountry fishing, Inshore fishing
Striped Bass, Shark, Bluefin Tuna, Spotted Seatrout, Bluefish, Snook, Tarpon, Tautog
NY Inshore Charter
United States, New York
up to 6 people, 28 ft
Wreck fishing, Nearshore fishing, Inshore fishing
Scup (Porgy), Tautog, Flounder, Fluke, Striped Bass, Black Seabass, Bluefish
US $100
price from
Troll Charters-
United States, New Jersey
up to 4 people, 23 ft
Inshore fishing, Wreck fishing, River fishing, Reef fishing, Nearshore fishing
Bluefish, Striped Bass, Flounder, Seabass
US $345
price from
Tiggertoo Charters
United States, Massachusetts
up to 4 people, 25 ft
Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefish, Flounder, Atlantic Mackerel, Bonito
Guided Surf Fishing Trips - Destin, FL
United States, Florida
up to 4 people
Sight Fishing , Flats fishing, Surf Fishing, Wade Fishing
Pompano, Redfish, Whiting, Flounder, Spanish Mackerel, Bluefish, Jack Crevalle
Saltwater Fishing Guide
South Africa, Western Cape
up to 8 people
Inshore fishing, Lake fishing, Nearshore fishing, Reef fishing
Bluefish, Kob, Musselcracker, Shad, Snoek, Tailor, Tuna, Yellowtail Amberjack
United States, New Jersey
up to 3 people, 20 ft
Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Reef fishing, Wreck fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefish, Flounder, Seabass, Cod, Lingcod, Tautog
New York Saltwater Fishing
United States, New York
up to 3 people, 22 ft
Inshore fishing, Flats fishing, Wreck fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefish, Fluke, Little Tunny (False Albacore), Tautog
Light tackle personalized charters
United States, New York
up to 4 people
Backcountry fishing, Flats fishing, Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Offshore fishing, Reef fishing, Wreck fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefish, Weakfish, Bluefin Tuna
Ebro Delta River
Spain, Catalunya
up to 5 people, 23 ft
River fishing
Seabass, Bass, Catfish, Leerfish (Garrick), Bluefish
Spain, Catalunya
up to 5 people, 23 ft
Inshore fishing, Offshore fishing
Leerfish (Garrick), Bluefish, Amberjack, Dentex, Spanish Mackerel, Seabass, Conger Eel