Kite fishing for Bluefish

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3 listings

Karen Ann Charters
United States, New York
up to 6 people
Reef fishing, Offshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Wreck fishing, Flats fishing, Backcountry fishing, Inshore fishing
Striped Bass, Shark, Bluefin Tuna, Spotted Seatrout, Bluefish, Snook, Tarpon, Tautog
Pick-up service
US $300
price from
Free cancellation
5 trips available
Happy Hooker Fishing Tenerife
Spain, Canary Islands
up to 10 people, 35 ft
Offshore fishing, Reef fishing, Wreck fishing, Nearshore fishing, Inshore fishing
Blue Marlin, Albacore Tuna, Pink Maomao, Greater Amberjack, Almaco Jack, Wahoo, Bluefish, Yellowfin Tuna, Bigeye Tuna, Barracuda, Bluefin Tuna, White Marlin, Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Grouper, Skipjack Tuna, Spearfish, Pink Snapper
Fishing license
US $82
price from
Free cancellation
8 trips available
Tuna Tail Charters Deep Sea Fishing
United States, Massachusetts
up to 6 people, 35 ft
Inshore fishing, Nearshore fishing, Wreck fishing, Offshore fishing
Striped Bass, Bluefin Tuna, Haddock, Bluefish, Cod, Mako Shark, Thresher Shark, Shark, Porbeagle Shark, Great White Shark
Fishing license
US $400
price from
Free cancellation
Instant booking
9 trips available